Свята та традиції Великобританії та України 7 клас

Lesson №

Клас. 7

Тема. Свята та традиції Великобританії та України.

Мета.Повторити й активізувати лексику теми.

Ознайомити учнів з традиціями святкування деяких свят.

Формувати навички монологічного мовлення.

Практикувати учнів в аудіюванні та письмі.

Продовжувати удосконалювати техніку читання.

Виховувати інтерес до культурних традицій свого та інших народів.

Тип уроку. Комбінований.

Обладнання. Підручник, листівки, роб.зош., презентація «holidays».

Хід уроку


  1. Привітання.

Т: Good morning! How are you getting on?

Ps: We are fine, thank you!

  1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Today we are continueing to speak about holidays in our country and in other countries and about the ways of their celebration. We are going to speak about holidays in Ukraine especially about Christmas. We’ll also speak about celebrating other holidays.

3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: Match the pairs

We celebrate … (holiday) on the (month).


1)     January, 1

2)     January, 7

3)     March, 8

4)     March, 9

5)     April, 4 and May, 8

6)     May, 9

7)     June, 28

8)     August, 24

9)     September, 1

a)     Women’s Day

b)     the Day of  Know­ledge

c)      Easter

d)  New Year’s Day

e)  T. Shevchenko’s birthday

f)   Constitution Day

g)  Victory Day

h) Independence         Day

i)   Christmas

  1. Перевірка д/з.


ІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. Answer the questions:
  2. When do we celebrate Christmas in Ukraine?
  1. Етап читання


Christmas is the feast of Christ’s birth. It is celebrated on the 7th of January.

Students and pupils usually have a 2 week va­cation, which begins just before the New Year and ends almost in the middle of January.

The most interesting part of Ukrainian Christ­mas is Christmas Eve with its wealth of ritual and magical acts. Sviata Vecheria, or Holy Supper, is the main Christmas tradition in Ukrainian homes. When the Ukrainians see the first star in the east­ern evening sky, Sviata Vecheria begins. The fam­ily gather round a table, light candles and eat ritual food. They lay the table with 12 meatless dishes.

On Christmas Ukrainians sing Christmas carols, koliadkas, cook traditional Christmas dishes and decorate their houses.

The groups of the people go from house to house, sing carols and collect gifts.

Christmas Day is the most exciting day of the year for Ukrainian children. They know that will get presents, sweets, fruit or money for caroling.

  1. Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту

Agree or disagree.

  1. Christmas is not celebrated in Ukraine.
  2. Students and pupils have a month’s vacation be­fore the New Year.
  3. The people of Ukraine celebrate the birthday of Christ on the 7th of January.
  4. The children get presents on Christmas.
  5. The groups of the people go from house to house, sing carols and give money for everyone.
  1. Аудіювання. Або перегляд презентації.


People of each country have a lot of holidays. Some holidays are public, some are re­ligious. All these holidays are part of our culture. Holidays are always fun, because we have one more chance to meet our relatives and friends and have a good time with them. We usually prepare a lot of presents and write greeting cards to congratulate . our friends and relatives. All the greeting cards have pictures — symbols of every holiday. You can often see a nice cake and flowers on the cards, congratulating with birthday, and pictures of hearts on St Valentine’s cards. New Year’s tree and can­dles are the symbols of New Year. Santa Claus and a red stocking are the symbols of Christmas. Children prepare stockings so that Santa could put presents in them. Beautifully coloured eggs are the symbol of Easter. Pumpkin with cut eyes and mouth is the symbol of Halloween, and a roast turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day in America. Spring flowers are usually in the pictures which we prepare for Mother’s Day. Be careful when you choose the greeting card, don’t mix up.




  1. Relax – відпочинок.

Впр.3, с. 103

Well, let’s have relax and do St. Valentines cards.

  1. Письмо

Впр. 2, с.102

  1. “Quiz”. Вікторина

Tasks – listen to my statements about Ukrainian and English Christmas and raise flags according to the country.

  1. Father Frost puts children’s presents under the New Year’s tree.
  2. Christmas is on the 7th of January.
  3. Christmas is on the 25-th of December.
  4. The main dish of the Holy Supper is kutia — por­ridge with honey, poppy-seeds and nuts.
  5. The main dish of the Holy Supper is turkey.
  6. Santa Claus puts children’s presents into their stockings the fireplace.

Keys: 1 U; 2 U; З E; 4 U; 5 E; 6 E.


  1. Домашнє завдання.


Впр. 1, с. 102 (письмово)

Високий рівень – Впр. 6, с. 103 (письмово)

  1. Підведення підсумків уроку


Т: What have we spoken about at this lesson?

What  text have we read?

What new facts have you known?

What holidays would you like to celebrate in another country?

On what Ukrainian holiday would you like to invite your friend from another country?